- Sydney Kellyville School
AIA Strathfield School

The Australian International Academy curriculum for Senior Secondary students Years 11 and 12 focuses on further developing the "whole student" to further extend and challenge each student's academic, personal and co-curricular achievements, as well as enhance their social,emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The primary focus of the Senior Secondary School at AIA is to prepare students for University and further study while preserving an environment which allows for the expression of the student’s Islamic character. Qualities prized by students at AIA include Care, Courtesy, Respect and Responsibility; Islamic manners, academic excellence, leadership, striving for achievement, internationalism, multiculturalism, acceptance, respect and maturity. The School believes that by encouraging excellence in all fields, they are able to develop all the skills necessary for success in this world and in the next.
The educational programs offered cater for the diversity in student interest and level of abilities to ensure that all studentsmaximise their potential and aspirations in their adult life. Students at the senior school undertake the New South Wales BOSTES Higher School Certificate (HSC) to meet the necessary academic entry requirements for tertiary education.
For further information about the NSW BOSTES HSC Syllabi and Curriculum, please go to the following links:
HSC in a Nutshell: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/hsc/hsc_in_nutshell.html
HSC Syllabi: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/