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What is CAS?

The CAS program is an important part of the IB Middle Years Program because it promotes universal citizenship.  Our students accept the role and duty of serving the local, national and international community. Community and service involves three essential elements: Awareness, Involvement and Service and Reflection

What are CAS Goals?

To develop attitudes and values that focus on the rights and responsibilities that humans have to care for and improve the broader communities in which we live.

What Do We Expect From Our Students?

  1. Students are expected to spend at least 50 hours involved in community and service each year.
  2. Of the 50 hours of community and service, students are required to complete one major community and service activity of approximately 10 – 15 hour duration.
  3. Students keep simple records of their actions that support the community and more in-depth records of larger or more involved services which they undertake.

What Outcomes Do Students Achieve From CAS?

  1. Better appreciation of the concept of responsible citizenship beyond the classroom.
  2. An increased understanding of the broader community around them.
  3. First -hand experience of activities that benefit others.
  4. An opportunity to apply skills and talents beyond the classroom.
  5. An increased sense of responsibility and self-esteem.
  6. Practice reflecting on their performance and how they can benefit from such self-appraisal.
  7. Seeing their values put into action.