Enrolment and Admissions
For enquiries about enrolment, admissions, or registration, please contact the student registrar
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General Enquiries
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Australian international Academy of Education LTD

420 Liverpool Road
Strathfield South, 2135
New South Wales,

General Enquiries and Admissions

Please contact our front desk on: +61 02 9642 0104

School Prospectus April 2024 Update

The Australian International Academy curriculum for the Middle School from Years 7 to 10 focuses on developing the "whole student" in their academic studies, personal and co-curricular achievements, and social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We strive to give each student a broad, well-rounded education whilst allowing them the maximum opportunity to develop and fulfill the potential of their own individual interests and strengths. YEARS 7 to 10 NSW BOSTES: Stages 4 and 5 All AIA Kellyville students undertake a wide range of academic and co-curricular studies which reflect the NSW and Australian K–10 syllabuses including: English, Mathematics, Science, Technology and History. Accredited schools must also satisfy the respective BOSTES syllabus prescribed hours and outcomes for students to qualify for the Record of School Achievement (RoSA). For further information about the NSW BOSTES Curriculum, please go to the following links: 7-10 Syllabi: https://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_sc/ RoSA: https://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/rosa/ INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME (MYP) At AIA Kellyville, Year 7 to 10 students engage with the International Baccalaureate MYP teaching-learning framework and pedagogy which works alongside the NSW BOSTES and Australian Curriculums. Through conceptual understanding, inquiry-based, and student-centred teaching-learning, the MYP Programme is designed to encourage students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. All Year 7-10 students engage with studies in: Language and literature: English Language acquisition: Arabic Mathematics Sciences Humanities: History, Geography, Civics and citizenship Design Technology Physical and Health Education Music and Performing Arts Visual Arts Qu'ran and Islamic Studies All Year 7-10 students actively participate in the School's: Service as Action / Community and Service Programme Morning Qu'ran Karim Classes Hills Zone Sports Association Sports Programme Peer Support and Leadership Programmes For further information about the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, please go to the following links: What is the MYP Programme? http://www.ibo.org/programmes/middle-years-programme/ MYP Curriculum Overview http://www.ibo.org/programmes/middle-years-programme/curriculum/
Child Safety

Australian International Academy
 has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to the protection of all children and young people from all forms of child abuse.

The School is committed to providing education and care to children and young people to assist them to develop into high-achieving, supported students, positively connected to each other and to the communities in which they live and which they will serve.

The School is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all children and young people at the School and is dedicated to protecting them from abuse and harm.

We have a zero tolerance for child abuse. The School regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance, and as such is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and to maintain safe and supportive School physical and online environments for all children and young people.

The School has developed a Statement of Commitment to Child Safety which is available on the website which is the Academy's overarching statement that provides key elements of our approach to protecting children and young people from abuse and sets the tone for the School’s entire Child Protection Program.

The School has also developed a Child Safety Code of Conduct  which applies to all staff, parents, students, visitors and external contractors and lists behaviours that are acceptable and those that are unacceptable. It provides a high-level statement of professional boundaries, ethical behaviour and acceptable and unacceptable relationships. 

When individuals are clear about behavioural expectations, they are much more likely to act appropriately with each other, and with children and young people.

The following video is also available to assist parents/carers to recognise and report concerning behaviour; https://www.google.com/url?q=https:


If you have a child protection concern, please contact your School's Principal immediately.

 The Australian International Academy employs Staff with a passion for seeing young people grow and succeed. Each member of staff acts as a role model to help achieve this goal. The vision of the Academy is to have graduates who are well prepared and self motivated to advance Australia and to participate effectively as world citizens with muslim values. From time to time, employment opportunities are available. Suitably qualified and motivated people are invited to submit applications. General applications can be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.